Monday, March 9, 2009

Well the Halls Head Classic started in a nice strong easterly 20-25 knots and we were in our element. Unfortunately the breeze tapered from there on dropping to next to nothing and creating a bit of a lottery as to where to go or which shift to pick until the sea breeze could kick in. We rounded just in fornt of farrago at horse shoe reef only to be 30 minutes in front of them to peelhurst, and then they actually beat us over the line getting the benefit of the sea breeze before us. Over all it seemed that everyone sailed their own race in their own breeze. We had breeze from every direction of the compasss over the day. We sailed pretty much as well as we could in the conditions we faced and were pretty happy that we had done all we could but unfortunately others had a better selection suited to their boats.

Saturday night was a great night with one of those balmy evenings greeting all the yachts from perth into mandurah. Joe Cammilleri playing on the shore in the background , the crab fest was on with loads of people in town and the fireworks display at 9 pm a rather special one.

Sunday started again with a good easterly only to fade to nothing so the play of the day was to start the motor and empty the fridge instead while taking the boat back to Mandurah. After that it apparently gets a bit blurry so I cannot expand.

So this almost brings to a close one magnificent journey on a yacht that continues to impress its crew with the flexibility abilities that continues to win accolades of many sorts. It's now time for the crew to step up a level to the new boat and on a sad note leave This Way Up to a new enthusiastic owner yet to be identified.

This will also bring to a close this blog site with future postings on Charlottes Web ----> follow link.

THIS WAY UP for sale advert soon to grace these pages

Monday, March 2, 2009

Well another Port Geographe Bay Race Week has come and gone, what a week of competition and teamwork.

TWU has continued to surprise us on her all round ability from playing out in the ocean with the big boys to around the cans with the performance river racers, is there nothing this girl cannot do?

Hats off to Liesl, Crews Control, By & Large and Archimedes who were not going to let us walk away with the trophies without a good battle on the water their positive sailing attitudes both on and off the water were a credit to them.

It was hard to imagine the week being any better with the format of racing chosen, some would say like ourselves more passage racing and less short courses but overall the thumbs go up.

Next year should see us campaigning Charlotte in the Port Geographe Bay Race Week with our adventures on TWU rapidly drawing to a close. Just the Avalon Sail Co Halls Head and Point Robert Return Ocean Races to go next week.